A Big Thank You To Everyone

Bonfire Night is one of the biggest events of the Social Calendar for Fulneck Golf Club. After weeks of planning the night was finally upon us, and boy did it go off with a bang; plus we were able to provide a musical interlude provided by the excellent Boogiemen.

2023 saw us attract another big crowd at FGC, our plans are always to be as welcoming to everyone, but the risk of over spending on food and fireworks is always in the back of our minds, we knew that the tickets sales were good but we still ask ourselves ‘what if nobody turns up?’ well the answer to that was we would be eating hotdogs,  pie and peas every Saturday for a year and we would have the biggest fireworks display for miles on New Years Eve.

Like last year, a few lessons were learned which we will use in our preparations for 2024. Remember we are now fully open to the public, please don’t make it a once a year experience to visit us, bring some friends along and enjoy the views over the Fulneck Valley

Huge thanks must also go out to the team who made it all possible. The bonfire builders, the kitchen workers, the people on the gate, bar staff, servers and a big thank you to those who quickly jumped in to give a hand; without your wonderful help none of this would have been possible.

Now the clear up begins.

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